

tEAchErS - All My FrIENds

  • `madam` - Alhamdulillah, Setelah sekian lama blog ini sepi tanpa `update` dan memang kuhilangkan semuanya. Waktu terakhir saya bertemu madam hari tu, saya katakan pa...
    9 years ago
  • Sensitive moment - Mood : forever sad sad Assalam and hello to everyone.. Have you ever felt this situation : crying as soon as you wake up from sleep..?? I just feel it.....
    10 years ago
  • Lawatan Ilmiah ke UPSI dan BAM - Assalamu'alaikum. First post in this blog in Bahasa Melayu :) Alhamdulillah, bersyukur ke hadarat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah dan kurnia-Nya, saya dan rak...
    11 years ago
  • Happy Teacher's Day - Happy Teachers' Day to all my teachers since i was in kindergarten till now there is no other words i would like to say *THANK YOU.* *Special thanks ...
    12 years ago
  • May 16th - Hye, First of all, it's your day, teachers. So, Happy Teacher's Day to all Malaysian teachers. I used to celebrate Teacher's Day every year during m...
    12 years ago
  • Mama, I'll always love you :) - I wrote a poem for my mother during the ELE class with Mdm Haiza before. I know it wasn't a good poem, but what's the most important thing is it was all si...
    12 years ago
  • MY SBE..(^_^) - MY PRECIOUS MOMENTS DURING SCHOOL BASED EXPERIENCE (SBE) On 18 March until 22 March 2012, my batc...
    12 years ago
  • SBE!! - Last week, I went to SK Pelagat, Besut, Terengganu for School Based Experience (SBE). It was my third experience and the school is just near to my house...
    12 years ago
  • My PBS Experience - Last weekend, I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Ketereh in Kelantan for my “Program Berorientasikan Sekolah (PBS)” for a week. This is the fi...
    12 years ago
  • QUALITY OF A GOOD TEACHER - A good teacher will produce a good student. Teachers have very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this...
    12 years ago
  • I am music teacher? - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.............. I will laugh with non - stop if I flashed back the memory..it happened during my third pbs at SK Tawang. on the that...
    12 years ago
  • learn to accept your weakness to be more stronger - No human is perfect, only perfect human who feels and wants to look perfect. This phrase was meant to enlighten about inadequacy. Advantages and disadvanta...
    12 years ago
  • ~ Thank You ~ - Alhamdulillah thank you Allah today i hang out with my beloved friends>>> Azy & Dayah<<< in the early morning, we had our breakfast at Pasar Melaka to ea...
    12 years ago
  • . - *Holiday at home..* Recently, we just have our Chinese New year Holiday…and… Of course it was the most precious time for us (especially me =)) because we ...
    12 years ago

Saturday 28 July 2012

aku hamba Allah yang terpilih..


bait2x ayat ni ingin sy mulakan dgn kalimah suci tersebut...
semoga lakaran yg tidak seberapa ini dapat menyentuh hati...
setidak-tidaknya hati si penulis sendiri yg amat dahagakan kepada sentuhan iman...

"...hidup untuk menjadi hamba ALLAH yang terpilih..."
by : Tuan Guru Sheikh Nuruddin Al-Banjari Al-Makki

tuan guru sheikh nuruddin al banjari al makki

itu antara kata2x tuan guru yg terkesan di hati 
ketika mendengar kuliah beliau pg tadi...

amat terkesan dijiwa bilamana 
terbayang di mata saat2x kelalaian dan kealpaan,,,
nafsu mula memberontak dan diri pun tewas dgn dugaan..
hampir sekali tersungkur bilamana adanya sedikit masalah yang sememang boleh diatasi...
lantas melupakan kasih sayang dan rahmat ALLAH..

alangkah ruginya kita bila kita menjadikan diri kita termasuk di dalam golongan tersebut..

oleh itu berusahalah sentiasa untk menjadi hamba yng terpilih oleh Allah 
dalam melakukan amar akruf nahi mungkar..
 atasi masalah hati kita dengan
...memaksakan diri kita untuk bersedekah bila rasa kita kedekut
...rajinkan diri kita bila malas sudah menguasai diri
...dan cuba sentiasa ingat pada Allah bila mana kita lalai
...paksa diri untuk mendatangi majlis ilmu kerna ia memandu kita ke arah akhirat ( kata2x tuan guru)

maka kita akan sentiasa menjadi orang yg dipilih ALLAH

pesanan tuan guru lagi...
sentiasalah memiliki jiwa yang pemurah...
antaranya murah dengan
-hati dll

sebelum tidur, berlapang dada lah dan jgn simpan dendam pada orang lain serta maafkan orang lain..itu menunjukkan kemurahan hati kita..
maka, jadilah orang yang pemurah 
-tuan guru-

"apakah kamu menduga kamu diciptakan Allah secara sia-sia tanpa kamu kembali pada Allah?"
-tuan guru-

hayati persoalan ini supaya kita tahu apa tujuan kita dijadikan ALLAH..
jgn kita sia-siakan hidup ini dgn perkara yg akhirnya membinasakan diri kita
memang muda itu hanya sekali...
TAPI gunakanlah ia untuk menjadi hamba Allah yg berusaha untuk jd baik dr semasa ke semasa
dan BUKAN hamba yg menggunkan waktu yg cuma sekali ini untuk kesenangan semata-mata dgn alasan muda hanya sekali..

sy teringat perbualan prof dr. muhaya ms on the way nak gi kuliah tuan guru..

prof crite pasal seorang gadis berumur 23 tahun yang berubah memakai tudung..
pd asalnya gadis tersebut mendapatkan rawatan mata kerana menghadapi masalah mata yg sangat serius..
tetapi alhamdulillah selepas di operasi, gadis tersebut dapat melihat dengan baik...
bagi menyimpan memori saat2x indah tersebut...ayah gadis itu membuat rakaman video...
prof x perasan yang ayah gadis tu tengah buat rakaman..

tetibe prof tak tau kenapa ye cakap camnie..

"alhamdulillah, nikmat melihat secara fizikal ALLAH telah kembalikan, tetapi kenapa betapa susahnya untuk buka mata hati sehingga tidak mampu untuk menutup aurat...parents kamu dah menghabiskan hampir rm7000 untuk operasi mata kamu...tapi adakah kamu bagi sesuatu pada mereka bahkan kamu memberi saham2x dosa kepada ibu bapa kamu" (lebih kurang camtu lah prof cakap)

then, tanpa disedari,,si ayah tadi tetibe mengalirkan air mata..
kemungkinan sudah lama si ayah ini ingin menegur si anak tetapi tidak kesampaian ( kata prof)

kemudian, seminggu selepas itu, gadis itu kembali dan prof hampir2x tdk mengenalinya kerana gadis tersebut telah pakai tudung
ALHAMDULILLAH....Allah bagi hidayah kepada gadis tersebut..

moral : 
1)  kepada semua,, lindungilah dan tutupilah aurat anda dengan SEMPURNA kerana ia merupakan satu perintah ALLAH.. bak kata Ustaz Azhar Idrus " sekejap tutup, sekejap buke...ingat mesuk neraka sekejap2x je ke"

2) besar azabnya kita dedah aurat...jadi tutplah dgn sempurna..meamng kita x nampak dosa yg kita buat sekarang tapi tanamkanlah perasaan takut dalam diri ttg azab Allah yg menunggu orng yg tak tutup aurat dgn sempurna

3) ingat wahai wanita2x sekalian,,JGN jadikan diri anda TERPILIH untuk menarik saudara2x lelaki kamu (ayah, suami, abg,adik dan seumpamanya) ke dalam menarik kerana perbuatan mu yg tidak mnutup aurat sebaliknya jadikan diri anda TERPILIH untuk jadi wanita yg solehah kepada mereka agar mereka dapat pahalanya..

4) ingat wahai lelaki2x sekalian,,JGN jadikan diri anda DAYUS kerana tidak mampu untuk MENGAJAR bahkan MENEGUR saudara2x perempuan mu (ibu,isteri,kakak,adik prmpuan dll) untuk menutup aurat dgn sempurna...maka sengsaralah kamu dgn dosa2x yang bakal kamu tanggung kerana KEDAYUSAN kamu untuk menegur mereka...

Tuesday 20 March 2012




hi my friends..(,")

miss you a lot, my friends

today, i just want to share my experience on my third PBS at KELANTAN..

... i had become a KELANTANESE now ...

i am happy to be here


the students

the teachers

some of the creative products made by teachers and students.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning sweeties!!!

how's your holidays???

I hope all of you enjoy your holidays very much before going to PBS next week..hehehe

yesterday, I make my first trial of making a triffle pudding...

so I would like to share about it.....
get the recipes here :)

this is my triffle pudding

well, it looks disorganized but it is VERY tasty..hehehe

there is not enough of nata de coco because my nephews eat thems..hehehe

I make a lots of cups so that it is easy to eat..yummy....

my father said that the triffle pudding that I make is very SWEET but I think it is not very SWEET...it just because of the chocolate cake that I placed under the pudding..then, my father does not like a SWEET things, so when he eat something, he always claimed that it is SWEET...hehehehe..so for me..it just SO DELICIOUS and YUMMY..

so my friends,,try to make this triffle pudding by yourself and make it prettier than me 
(actually it becomes a common thing when it is not look pretty during your first time trial right) 

p/s : today, I am going to make LAKSA PENANG and LAKSA TERENGGANU as well

LAKSA PENANG - one of my favourite food

LAKSA TERENGGANU - my father's favourite

it already become a common thing whenever I back home

thanks mom because always give  me a chance to eat a delicious foods...

NOTE : MY MOM SAID "you can continue your diet when you go back to malacca".
I REPLY "yes mom"...hehehehe

Saturday 18 February 2012


Today, I would like to share about my chocolate moist cake's recipe

My First Trial

ingredients :
1 cup of cocoa powder
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of evaporated milk "susu cair"
1 cup of Buttercup ( melt it first )
1 cup of sweetened condensed milk "susu pekat"
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
3 eggs

instructions :
1 -  Mix the cocoa powder, evaporated milk, sugar, condensed milk, and butter in a pan and cook until all the ingredients melt. After it is cooked, put it aside and lets it cool down.

2- Beats the eggs and add the cocoa mixture earlier. Mix well. Gradually add flour until the end. Put the baking powder.

3-Mix well and pour it into container tray. Do not get full, the batter will rise later. Enter in half the pan. Steamer lid covered with a clean cloth "kain bersih" to prevent the water from entering the container tray.

4- Steam it in about 30 min - 45 min (according to mixture). After that, you can check it by prick the fork into the mixture. If the are no dough stick, so your cake is ready.


Hi my dear friends...
today I would like to talk about 


I am pretty sure that most of us have a Facebook account right?
it already become a necessities to human these days

what is Facebook actually?
Facebook is a social networking website through which you can connect with the friends and relatives. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and originally it was called as The Facebook. It first became a big hit on the campus and then within few months, it gained popularity among other colleges too and became a big social networking website. In 2005, it was opened for high schools and the name “The Facebook” was also change to “Facebook”.

nowadays, some people can't live without Facebook
but not for me
I am just happy without Facebook because I do not make the Facebook as my priority in my life.


I just use it as a medium to find all my old friends and teachers so that I can know about them even though I already did not meet them in such a long time.

I am just happy without Facebook (",)

I'm not kind a person who addicted to Facebook
sometimes I spend a lot of my time on this social networking if I do not open my account for a long time

so that's why I have to spend my time wisely so that I do not waste my time just on the Facebook

As I stated before, I use my Facebook to find my friends, old acquaintances, teachers and all the person who used to know me

at the end, by using Facebook, I managed to find all of them
(maybe not all...hehehe)

so, I can know what they are doing right now...

people are change...

I can see that changes in my friends..

for me,,it is OK if the changes in their life is POSITIVE


I can't bear it when they make a NEGATIVE changes in their life..

SO,,, it is true that we can know someone's personality throughout their FACEBOOK..

There is a POSITIVE and NEGATIVE effect of Facebook
its depend on us how we manage it
it is very good if we used it in a good way and vice versa

make your choice : "+" or "-"

so, my friends....

use the FACEBOOK wisely OK???

my advices

for boys & girls : have a safe and clean Facebook's account so that your future in law can accepted you as their son or daughter in law...hehehe 

(I remembered when I checked my sister in law Facebook account before she married with my brother...hehehe...sorry sis...I do not have any bad intention because I just want to know her better before she become my sister. I also show her account to my parents...I chat with her through Facebook and make a good friend with her since her age is 21 and mine is 20. The first time I meet her is during the engagement day at Kedah)
kak hanis - my sister in law 

Monday 13 February 2012


Hi my sweethearts...

Yesterday, my friends and I had read a story entitled Kevin by Catherine Lim.

It is a VERY GOOD and INTERESTING story 

I can see myself in this story actually.

In my opinion, we can learnt a lots about this story of Kevin. Kevin is a determined student who want to get a highest places in his class. But actually, he behave like that due to his mother. Kevin is often pressured by his mother to get good graders at school. I don't think his mother care him as a son but only as a ROBOT...his mother always scold him and watching him very closely every second...his mother already prepared various types of punishments if he doesn't get a good grade such as being knocks on the head with the knuckles, knocks on the knuckles with a ruler, twisting of the ears, a withdrawal of permission to watch TV and so on...
I remembered when I was not allowed to watch TV because my result doesn't improved during my elementary school... I have to make sure I had finished my homework before doing that...

Kevin also do not have much freedom in his life... for example, eventhough he come out first in his class, he can't get a reward just like he want...so, we can see that his mother has controlled his life..

in my true life, my father is also a strict father but just a little.. my father resembles Kevin's mother when he always compared her daughters with his friend's daughters especially in exam result....at first, I am sad because I felt that I am not a good daughter but when I reflect back, I know that we have a different ability. So, I have to used my ability to get a good result in exam.... I know that my father just want the best for his daughters...so, I had explained to my father that we always do the best in our life to be an excellent person.

I always motivated my younger sisters when they scared to tell my father about their result but I told them that it is okay..

Back to the Kevin's story, he have a bad personality due to his mother's behaviour. his mother attitudes had influence Kevin's behaviour. he become scare to his mother instead of loving his mother...so that why Kevin do not showed a reaction when his servant told him that his mother has been hospitalized... when he heard about his mother, he just feel relief just because he can avoid to see his mother...

i think that in his future, Kevin will become unindependent person because his mother always make decision for him. so, he can't be a good leader...

as the conclusion,,,we have to keep a good relationship between mother and son so that we can build a happy and loving family..